Remote Debugging

Apr 18, 2021 debugging remote java

Use Case

Imagine you have a java prod instance & you want to debug a request flow.

Thinking Process

There are two ways of doing it - either add debug statements(& keep restarting) or perform remote debugging.

Let's look at remote debugging.

On the remote server

  1. Open /etc/init.d/your-java-app and add DEBUG1=” -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=33114,server=y,suspend=n”.
  2. systemctl daemon-reload
  3. Start it - sudo service your-java-app restart

On your local machine

  1. Create a tunnel between your local and the prod instance using “ssh -L 33114:localhost:33114”
  2. Now open Intellij and add a “Remote JVM Debug” configuration with 33114 port. Select appropriate JDK Version.
  3. Start it.
  4. Add a breakpoint to the request flow.
  5. Hit the remote server with a request -
  6. See the breakpoint is being hit.

That's all.