Resources I learn from

Apr 22, 2021 learn

My primary way of learning is listening and then practicing it. Find yours by watching this (first 5 mins).

I've watched a ton of youtube, heard lots of podcasts, audible.

Here are some resources that have helped me immensely:


  1. Oauth2.0 and OpenID Connect
    1. 17 mins This bearded guy is the absolute best at explaining things. I'd listen to anything he has to say.
    2. 75 mins This podcast goes slightly deeper into the why and how.
  2. Using Amazon Comprehend - 6 parts
  3. Writing for software devs by Philip Kiely

Self Improvement

  1. Coursera - Writing for business - great way to learn how to write.
  2. Books
    1. Atomic habits. James Clear.
    2. IWT. Ramit Sethi.
    3. How to win friends and influence people. Dale Carnegie.
    4. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Robert Persig.
    5. 3% Man. Corey Wayne.


  1. Guy effin Raz
    1. Zappos - Tony Hsieh
      1. Owns 3 shoes but knows what “customer experience” is.
    2. Burton Snowboards
      1. He once went to NYC to hand out 40 snowboards for people to try and got back 42, an additional 2 from last week. Snowboarding is now an Olympic sport.
    3. Whole Foods - John Mackay
      1. Investors are like hitchhikers, they will feed you as long as they like where you are going.
    4. Canva - Melanie perkins
      1. Ppl who don't know any damn programming and from Aus make it big.
    5. M Night Shyamalan
      1. 17 mins in - set aside a time to write. Look at the wall, burn those 2 hours, that's fine but that is your time to write.


  1. Naval on Joe Rogan.
  2. Finding Happiness by Ankur Warikoo.
    1. I've “everything” in life a normal person would hope for but I'm not happy.

Start Something

  1. Rework by Jason and David.
  2. Scaling Meesho by obsessing over customers. link